The conclusion and suggestions about Islamic civilization

here in the article I’ll discuss about the conclusion and suggestions about Islamic civilization according to my point of view. All in all there was a period throughout the entire existence of Islamic civilization that is lovingly called the Islamic Brilliant Age byMuslims and students of history of all influences the same. Researchers would squabble … [Read more…]

The factors behind Ascent and Downfall of Islamic civilization

to discover more about Islamic civilization let’s have a look of the factors behind ascent and downfall of Islamic civilization. Factors behind the ascent of Islamic civilization: Otherworldly power: Capacity to change the beliefs of the Qur’an to lead everyday: Scholarly opportunity: Political opportunity: Transparency: The soul of looking for information: As indicated by the … [Read more…]

Islamic civilization

the Islamic civilization is considered as one of the most higher and bigger civilizations in the world let’s take a look of it; Civilization: definition Human advancement as per Fernand(1995) is gotten from the Latin word civilis, and that implies common. Other related Latin words arecivis, meaning resident, and civitas, meaning city. Throughout the long … [Read more…]

Hajj: Pilgrimage (the fifth pillar)

The Hajj, now and again spelt Pilgrimage. It is the yearly journey to Mecca that Muslims are supposed to make something like once in the course of their life. The word Hajj is an Arabic word, signifying ‘to expect an excursion‘.Hajj is the fifth mainstay of Islam. Hajj a journey The hajj is occupant on … [Read more…]

Sawm : Fasting(the fourth pillar)

Sawm is an Arabic expression that alludes to a particular sort of fasting. There are five points of support, or significant components, of Islam. The fourth mainstay of Islam is Sawm. The prerequisite for Muslim individuals to quick under specific circumstances and during specific times. In particular, Sawm alludes to fasting during the blessed month … [Read more…]

Zakah : Aid (the third pillar)

Zakah signifies ‘to purge’ or ‘filter’. Completing this required demonstration lays out an otherworldly association with Allah. They determine it at 2.5% of surplus riches. For example, reserve funds and monetary resources not utilized towards everyday costs for a whole Islamic lunar year. Zakah is a strict commitment for all Muslims. Who meet the fundamental … [Read more…]

Salah: Prayer (The second pillar)

Salah, also called namaz, is the alternate column of Islam and a diurnal duty upon all Muslims above baligh( ripe) time. Salah plays an important role the Islamic faith and in this companion, we will explore the most important angles of the alternate column of Islam, involving the meaning of salah, when you should be … [Read more…]

Shahadah (the first pillar)

The top dependence of Islam is Shahadah, significance to” substantiation” or” affirm”. This point of support states the abecedarian and essential underpinning of this confidence by come a willing amenable to the unequaled God, Allah. Each part of Islam is grounded upon the reason of deism and Shahadah. It reminds Muslim’s” There’s no God except … [Read more…]